We are doing a small re-issue of this kit due to popular demand, and probably due to the fact that it was featured on Bicycling’s “crazy kits” list.
Due to the complexities of order minimums, we are only offering the CX San Remo or the San Remo speed suits, not the bibs/jerseys.
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Rodeo LOVES cyclocross, you may have noticed that from the fact that we ride our cyclocross bikes year ’round. You may have also noticed the fact that we sometimes pretend our rode bikes are cyclocross bikes as well to sneak in some skinny tired dirt. To us cyclocross is rowdy, fun, and messy, and we’ve tried to put that sensibility into our CX kit. We literally tried to take everything we love about the sport and have it sublimated into shiny Lycra.
Not everyone will “get” or like this kit, and that’s ok with us. We don’t want or expect everyone to fly these colors. The 1.X road kit we did was classy and restrained, and that kit still works great even if you want to race it cyclocross. But for those who want to show their wild side and celebrate cycling’s most rowdy sport, this kit is for you.
Our visual theme for this kit is “Smash Your Barriers” so we prominently feature a tire crashing into and splintering a Rodeo barrier. Who hasn’t accidentally mangled a barrier in their pursuit of speed? If you haven’t, you will.
Our headline bit of kit for cyclocross is the San Remo Road suit. The San Remo is a fantastic bit of kit that combines the benefits of a skinsuit with the practicality of pockets. When you pull this thing on you will FEEL fast, and to us that’s actually MORE important than being fast (kidding!). The San Remo Road Suit is not well insulated, so using it in cold temperatures may require some base layering and arm / leg warmers. Any black/navy arm and leg warmers will match this kit.
The next bit of kit that we are offering is the San Remo Cyclocross suit. The cyclocross suit is for the truly hard core among us. It features similar construction to the road suit, but with some heavier weight fabrics in spots. It also adds 3/4 length sleeves and gets rid of those unnecessary rear pockets if all you are after in life is a 60 minute cyclocross race with no time to eat, drink, or take selfies. Graphics are almost identical to the road suit, with a few adjustments made for pattern changes.
For those among us who want to celebrate our cyclocross vibes but don’t want to wear a onesie, we are offering a base bib and jersey kit. We know that some people are die hard believers in clothes that separate in two at the waist, and we respect those deeply held style convictions. In the bibs and jersey we turned down the color knob juuuuuuust a bit, so you will see less orange and a more subdued color palette, while still retaining all of the necessary CX graphic tributes.
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Take the time to get your size right!
This is Castelli’s official sizing chart. Please check it our shortly.
Here is some size reference:
Steef on the left is 6’1″ (1.85m) tall and weighs about 175lbs (79.37kg). He wears size Large in everything and it fits perfectly.
Peder in the middle is slightly shorter, but is strong like ox! He wears an L short and and M jersey and vest. L SanRemo. Fits perfectly.
Chris on the right is a hobbit (kidding!) and he weighs in the 150s when not drinking too much beer. He wears M/M/M. Fitz perfectly.
Patrick is pictured on the kit page and he is a bit shorter and lighter than Chris, he is S/S/S and is as happy as a clam with the fit. He also climbs really fast.
If you are in complete agony about what size to order, maybe we can help. Shoot us a good pic and some specs and we can give our advice.
Take the time to get this right! Every kit is made for the person who orders it. We don’t do refunds, we don’t do returns. If you order the wrong size your best hope is to trade or sell to another Rodeoer, but we hate to see you kitless.
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Anyone can purchase a kit, but by purchasing a kit, you agree to follow the core values as well as you are able. You also agree that, formally or informally, you are one of us. It doesn’t matter where you live, it doesn’t matter what you ride- when you kit up, you’re Rodeo.
Orders take ROUGHLY six weeks to manufacture. When they are shipped to Rodeo HQ they are mailed to purchasers shortly thereafter.
International purchasers, we are happy to announce that we have plenty of experience shipping around the world now. We will send a kit wherever there is mail service.
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