So, as with the turning of the seasons, it reminds me of how life follows the patterns of nature. We’re talking about the diminishing of oneself and the tuition of our next generation. My son, B., has expressed continued interest in cyclocross, did a race last year, and successfully petitioned me to purchase him a ‘cross bike (Thanks Salvagetti for being so helpful!). When I told him about the, now 3rd annual, Colorado Junior Cyclocross Camp in Empire, CO, he was more than excited. So, I signed him up for the full weekend getaway and me as a parent chaperone and worker. A week from the camp, his great-grandmother passed away, and thus a hastily arranged funeral service would be arranged in Texas. Deirdre, the camp director and awesome BOSS, was very kind and offered to let B. come up to the camp after he returned to Colorado. So, up we were at 0600, threw the bike in the back of the 2002, and we were out the door for the camp in the mountains at 0645.
When we were arrived at the venue (Easter Seals Camp), we were greeted by nam, welcomed for (second) breakfast, and B. was introduced to his coaches, cabin-mates, and chaperones. After a long set of group photos, we were off to the race. They had split the whole camp (140 girls and boys) into many small groups by ability and experience for the coaching activities on Saturday, but they ran two mock races (Younger Juniors and Older Juniors) today. There were no pinned numbers – turns out the super-realistic mock race last year totally stressed out more than a few campers, who wouldn’t race no matter what persuasion was tried. So, this year’s camp races were more relaxed (no pinned on numbers, start gun, or embrocation), and everyone participated.

Then, I handed out all my cowbells and these kids showed the older juniors how to HUP HUP!
There were juniors riding the run-up…
And Aaron Bouplon always puts on a good show…

The kids all had a blast, and while I can’t say that B. is going to race through nationals, the camp has affirmed his interest in cyclocross as a discipline. To treat, we stopped for a hot dog at this crazy place in Empire:

I love being a father.
Peder E. Horner (@denvercx)
As my 3 year old grandson Lucas L Bennett who is Bennett’s cousin would say, “AWESOME”!
Way to bring up the next generation Peder! What a great opportunity to spend time with you son!